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Writer's picturedejablack69

Memory Lane - 5/15/18 - Arc Teams, Instafreebie/Prolific Works, and Book Confusion, Oh My!

Guess what I just learned about? Arc Teams! Did you know about this?

You give a team of people, 15 -20, a copy of your book through Prolific Works, and they will review it. And, presto! Reviews! Now, they're honest reviews, so no worries. Be ready. Don't cry because it isn't what you wanted. Everyone has opinions, and these opinions, good or bad, will help your book to be known. You can use them to help your writing, but wow! I had no idea! I'm still learning, of course, so I knew nothing of this! At book 8, I finally see a way to get more reviews thanks to help from other writers. If you're an a GLBTQ writer and need help, too, try this group on Facebook. They are awesome!

GLBTQ Writer Support Network

You have a question? They have an answer. They want to help, and there are even questions you can answer, too! The help is out there! Take advantage of it!

Now I know about Arc teams, Instafreebie, and I absolutely had to share it with you!

Instrafreebie is easy to use. Google it, make an account, add your books, and create a giveaway. You can choose Arc groups on Facebook or use another social media, but go for it.


Book Confusion

By the way, there's some confusion with my recent release, The Guardian's Prize. It's Book 2 of The Men of Neptune. The confusion? Book 1, Song of the Siren, is a part of the Christmas release by Extasy Books. The editor mentioned there were questions, so I must clear this up. Below is the information for Song of the Siren and The Guardian's Prize!

A broken soldier, a siren, and a pastor. Sounds like an intro to a bad joke, but it’s the Christmas story of how a siren’s song can heal.

Graham is a broken soldier in body and soul. With no place to go, he moves to the coast to live with the only relative who loves him. Lost and without hope, Graham is not sure how he can get his life back. That is until he hears the song of the most gorgeous man he has ever seen.

Kamau is a siren who lives part of his life with his siren mother the other part with his human father. Dutiful son to mother and father but never true to himself. That is until Graham walks into the church and Kamau realizes he has found his mate.

Jonah Anderson is the pastor who relies on his son’s gift to grow his church. All is going well for him and the church. That is until he sees the way Kamau looks at Graham.

At a time when Christmas presents are given for the holiday, will Graham and Kamau receive the gift they’ve dreamed of for a lifetime? Each other.

Tetra Batair, grandson of Neptune himself and guardian of the god’s military forces, has arrived in Charleston, South Carolina for his mate. The only problem? His mate doesn’t want him. Now, what’s a merman to do?

Aoki Tatsuo, an art teacher who’s half dragon and half human, doesn’t want to be anyone’s mate. Or, at least that’s what he’s telling himself.

When the two first meet the earth trembles…literally.

A merman and a dragon.

One will have to learn patience.

The other will have to learn there’s more than one way to love.

Can the two of them work through the obstacles in their past to find their perfect future?

Alrighty! Hope this helps, and my apologies for the confusion!




Then and Now

Guess who was just asked to be a mod for Extasy Books Book Carousel Group on Facebook!

Oh, yeah! This girl right here! I'm nervous, honored, and pleased! We rotate in weeks, so I cannot wait until my week comes. I'm taking notes and doing my best to know my role! Please come and visit with me!


Flirty and Red is in the last stages of edits! I am beyond excited. I showed you the guys last blog, but just in case you forgot, here are my inspirations agaIn.



I would say more, but I can't. My lips are sealed.


In Other News

While I'm not a fan of standardized testing, I am happy that both my children are doing well. My oldest was really proud of himself. He couldn't wait to share. He's a teenager, so him talking to me is definitely a win. While he's had less trouble than his sister, getting here was a journey. He used to rush through his work so he could get finished and do anything else. Finally, he's got it. He's taking his time. Yes!

The youngest went up 11 pts on her MAP test scores. She's a struggling learner, so her achieving this is monumental. We were so worried about her when she was younger. She has support and works hard. My little girl gets so frustrated and needs hugs, love, and gentle pushes. Right now, she's wearing the biggest smile and can't wait to have a date with Grandma to celebrate!

I'm just here celebrating the blessings. Hard work, tears, prayer, and consistency. Parenthood ain't easy, but hell if it ain't worth it.

Funny. I could say the same thing about writing, too. I read a post by another writer on Facebook yesterday. She was saying that she's written her last book because people aren't reading, that she's done all the tricks and nothing is working. Do you know what one of the writers had to say to her?


We have to keep writing, keep living, keep loving, and keep doing. We can't give up.

Find your passion, people, and keep doing it. (Well, as long as you're not ending real lives and hurting others without cause.) Right? Okay, good.

Sending love to you out there. Don't give up. You have no idea how what you're doing is helping someone else. <3

Be the little engine that could because you can.



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Mar 30, 2022

How do I become an ARC for you. My email is Thank you

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